What is UPI Payment Method, and how is it helpful for Businesses?

 Since the introduction of the unified payment interface, India has taken a significant step towards reaching a cashless economy. A unified Payment Interface (UPI) has seamlessly made money transfers easy for merchants and customers in businesses. This means that one can send or receive money via a link or scan the QR code to pay a person, merchant, or service provider to complete the purchase, pay bills, or authorize the payments. All you need to just register a bank account is an operating bank account number and the IFSC code. When you are looking for a business UPI Id, then you need current accounts to be linked.   

Let’s pen down in detail what is UPI payment method and its benefits to ecommerce businesses.   


What is UPI Payment Method?  

Digital modes of payment are immensely becoming popular due to their ease of use and ability to make transactions quickly. The Unified Payment Interface (UPI) is one such mode. It is a system that integrates multiple bank accounts into a single mobile app from any participating bank. The UPI app combines several banking features to allow for the seamless routing of funds and merchant payments under one single interface.   


Benefits of Having UPI Id For Businesses 

  • Online Payments Become Simple  

When you are using a business UPI Id, the key features, including streamlined business payments with instant authentication and quick receipt of transactions, make online payments become easy and simple. Even customers can pay online without entering their card details or bank account. Digital payments enable customers to make a seamless purchase and an efficient checkout experience.   

  • Ease of Operation  

UPI lets businesses create transactions easily and 24*7. The business UPI Id system is highly suitable for small and medium-sized businesses as they allow faster and smoother payments.   

  • Universally Adaptable  

The features of UPI for businesses include instant notification of payments, real-time tracking, simple authentication, high-volume retail payments and many more to deliver a simplified payment experience to customers.   

  • Secured mode of Payments  

With so many security breaches leading to online fraud, people are understandably wary of making transactions online - including payments with their debit or credit cards. This wariness also limits businesses from accepting payments online, as they, too, are concerned about security. Businesses now rely on business UPI Id for digital payments instead, as it is much more secure and uses an encrypted format.   



The UPI system has become the fastest mode in almost all businesses. Major industries using Business UPI Id system are not only limited to ecommerce, insurance and EdTech but also span almost all sectors in the market.   

Also read : Need to Customize Checkout Page in WooCommerce and Ways to Secure It


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