Single Click Checkout for Ecommerce Businesses: Level Up the Experience

For many years, the checkout experience for customers remained the same. There were no significant modifications or advancements to the checkout process, except for the available payment methods available to the customers. However, over the last few years, there has been a revolution in the checkout process, which has turned the world of ecommerce business on its head. Options like “Buy Now, Pay Later”, and “Buy online” are some of the single-click checkout buttons that have taken the ecommerce world by storm.   

Now, let’s understand what single-click checkout is and its benefits.   


What is Single Click Checkout?  

The single-click checkout happens when the customers visit their online shopping cart and checkout with the purchased items within a single click. The users or customers need to fill in the form with information details such as Name, shipping & billing address, method of payment etc., only once and if it is stored within the payment processor for future purposes. This allows the customers to breeze through the online checkout experience with a single click when returning to the same website. This reduces the online cart abandonment rates by eliminating the clunky experience for the customers of being forced to navigate to the separate payment screen and enter their personal information manually.   

The introduction of single-click checkout was introduced by Amazon and patented concept in 1999. This patent was once valued at $2.4 billion per year and expired in 2017. Today, the single checkout feature is free for any ecommerce website to have.  

Benefits of Single Click Checkout to Ecommerce Business  

Single click checkout is essential for any ecommerce website because it provides a seamless experience for shoppers. By streamlining the purchasing process, single-click checkout allows shoppers to go from browsing to paying customers in just a few seconds - making it easy and painless for customers to purchase on your site.  
According to a study, 26% of shoppers abandon their carts because the checkout process is too long. Another 7% leave because their preferred payment method isn't accepted. This problem can be resolved--and conversion rates increased--if they're able to make their purchase with a single click using a payment method they've already used before.  
Having fewer steps in the checkout process will leave less time for customers to dwell on their purchasing decision.   


The Bottom Line!  

Drive your ecommerce business growth with the help of Nimbbl single-click checkout features. Get access to secure UPI higher conversions, which are highly beneficial for businesses who want to enter the world of online payments.   

Also Read : Is there a Need to Edit WooCommerce Checkout Page?


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