Single Click Checkout for Ecommerce Businesses: Level Up the Experience
For many years, the checkout experience for customers remained the same. There were no significant modifications or advancements to the checkout process, except for the available payment methods available to the customers. However, over the last few years, there has been a revolution in the checkout process, which has turned the world of ecommerce business on its head. Options like “Buy Now, Pay Later”, and “Buy online” are some of the single-click checkout buttons that have taken the ecommerce world by storm. Now, let’s understand what single-click checkout is and its benefits. What is Single Click Checkout? The single-click checkout happens when the customers visit their online shopping cart and checkout with the purchased items within a single click. The users or customers need to fill in the form with information details such as Name, shipping & billing address, method of payment etc., only once and if it is stor...