What are the steps to become the best payment service provider?
What are the documents required for payment gateway? Setting up a payment solution is a simple task, but developing a payment solution is not an easy task, but still, you can make initiate with the following steps. To install a payment gate with your business, you have to provide the document required for payment gateway . Similar to this, you too have to provide a certain document to provide a payment gateway solution. After documentation, you can proceed with the following steps. Step 1: Set up infrastructure You can choose to host your gateway solution with the third-party server after verifying the documents required for payment gateway . If not, you can prepare your own server for your business. The second one avails you of absolute power. Anyway, you must need to retain the data centre and go through an annual PCI audit with both ways. If you decide to host outside, then you must consider AWS and have provided equipment based solutions for all kinds of business. ...